In this study we have investigated the effect of loss of math-33 activity on DAF-16-mediated target gene regulation in C. elegans under conditions of reduced Insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS). Using whole nematode RNA sequencing experiments we found that the daf-2(e1370)-mediated induction and repression of DAF-16 target genes was decreased in daf-2(e1370); math-33(tm3561) mutant animals. Our data suggest that the downregulation of endogenous DAF-16 isoforms in the absence of a functional MATH-33 severely affects the global expression of DAF-16 targets when IIS activity is reduced. Therefore, MATH-33 is essential for DAF-16-mediated target gene activation and repression in the context of IIS. Overall design: DAF-16 mediated target gene regulation was analyzed in daf-2(e1370) nematodes and compared to daf-2(e1370); math-33(tm3561) mutant animals. daf-16(mu86); daf-2(e1370); N2 (wild type) and math-33(tm3561) single mutant animals were used as controls.