The first HSCs are produced in the aorta-gonadmesonephros (AGM) region of the embryo through endothelial to a hematopoietic transition. BMP4 and Hedgehog affect their production/expansion, but it is unknown whether they act to affect the same HSCs. In this study using the BRE GFP reporter mouse strain that identifies BMP/Smad-activated cells, we find that the AGM harbors two types of adult-repopulating HSCs upon explant culture. Overall design: Embryonic day 11 AGM are dissected and either analyzed directly, or after explant culture in conditions containing BMP/Hedgehog with or without cyclopamine. EC: endothelial enriched (CD31+Kit-); MC: mesenchymal cell enriched (CD31-Kit-); HPSC: hematopoietic progenitor/stem cell enriched; AGM11: E11 fresh AGMs; AGMex: AGM after explant culture; AGMcy: AGM after explant in presence of cyclopamine; CD31p: CD31 positive; CD31n: CD31 negative; KITp: c-Kit positive; KITn: c-Kit negative; BREp: BRE-GFP positive; BREn: BRE-GFP negative