The Sanaria® PfSPZ Vaccine can confer sterilizing protection against liver stage infection by Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) in malaria naïve individuals. The vaccine consists of aseptically purified irradiated Pf sporozoites. The PfSPZ Vaccine trial in Mali was the first to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this vaccine in a malaria endemic region. Vaccinees received five doses of 2.7 X 105 irradiated sporozoites and the efficacy was measured against naturally occurring Pf Infections in Malian adults during the malaria transmission season. Overall design: 44 samples from 2 time points, pre-vaccination (Day -7) and post-vaccination (Day 143), for 22 Malian adult participants ( 5 placebo controls and 17 vaccine recipients). 11 of the vaccinated participants remained infection free over the subsequent malaria transmission season.