To reveal distinct transcriptomes associated with spermatogonial stem cell renewal vs. initiation of differentiation, single-cell transcriptomes from Adult ID4-EGFP+ spermatogonia were subdivided into subpopulations that displayed distinct fates when assayed by transplantation, with ID4-EGFPbright cells highly enriched for SSCs, and ID4-EGFPdim cells enriched for progenitors. We used the Fluidigm C1 instrument to capture individual spermatogonia for SMART-Seq2 single-cell RNA-seq. Overall design: Four replicate preparations of Adult mouse ID4-EGFP+ spermatogonia were used for this study. Data are from a total of 300 cells. Cells were binned into quartiles according to EGFP epifluorescence intensity (Q1 = EGFP-bright, Q4=EGFP-dim, Q2 and Q3 have intermediate EGFP fluorescence) to facilitate comparisons.