R-spondin1 (Rspo1) is a member of a secreted protein family which has pleiotropic functions in development and stem cell growth. Rspo1 knock-out mice are sex-reversed, but some remain sub-fertile, so, they are unable to nurse their pups. A lack of Rspo1 expression in mammary epithelial cells results in an absence of duct side-branching development and defective alveolar formation. In this study we propose to characterize the molecular functions involved to mammary gland phenotype due to Rspo1 knock out. By transcriptional profiling, we have identified gene misregulated in mammary gland of Rspo1 knock-out mice during pregnancy. A stronger expression of genes characterising mesenchymal tissue was observed in the absence of alterations to the structure of mammary epithelial tissue. Mammary epithelial cell characterization, by immunohistochemistry approach, revealed a persistence of virgin markers which sign a delay in their differentiation. Moreover serial transplantation experiments show that Rspo1 is associated with a regenerative potential of mammary epithelial cell control. Our data have also highlighted that in mammary gland during pregnancy the expression of Rspo1s partners, Lgr4 and RNF43, are negatively regulated and Tgf- signaling is modified in the absence of Rspo1. Taken together, our results show an abrupt halt in mammary development at mid-pregnancy due to loss of further differentiated function.
Phenotypic and Molecular Alterations in the Mammary Tissue of R-Spondin1 Knock-Out Mice during Pregnancy.
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View SamplesNa+/H+ exchanger 3 (NHE3) provides a major route for intestinal Na+ absorption. It has been considered as a target of proinflammatory cytokines and enteropathogenic bacteria and impaired NHE3 expression and/or activity may be responsible for inflammation-associated diarrhea.
Colonic gene expression profile in NHE3-deficient mice: evidence for spontaneous distal colitis.
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View SamplesRNA from etiolated seedlings, light-treated seedlings, leaves and flowers was hybridized to ATH1 and AGRONOMICS1 arrays.
AGRONOMICS1: a new resource for Arabidopsis transcriptome profiling.
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesOxidative stress is a harmful condition in a cell, tissue, or organ, caused by an imbalnace between reactive oxygen species and other oxidants and the capacity of antioxidant defense systems to remove them. The budding yeast S. cerevisiae has been the major eukaryotic model for studies of response to oxidative stress.
The genome-wide early temporal response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to oxidative stress induced by cumene hydroperoxide.
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View SamplesCHD4 is an ATPase able to use the energy from ATP to shift or remove nucleosomes from specific sites in the chromatin, thereby affecting accessability of gene regulatory elements. It is part of the NuRD complex.
Helicase CHD4 is an epigenetic coregulator of PAX3-FOXO1 in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.
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Similar inflammatory DC maturation signatures induced by TNF or Trypanosoma brucei antigens instruct default Th2-cell responses.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesAbstract: Interleukin-10-deficient (Il10-/-) mice serve as a model for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The severity of colitis strongly depends on the inbred strain carrying the disrupted Il10 gene: C3H/HeJBir (C3) confers disease susceptibility, whereas C57BL/6J (B6) confers resistance. Genome-wide scans with microsatellite markers on segregrating backcross and F2 populations resulted in the detection of ten colitogenic quantitative trait loci (QTL). The aim of this study was to reduce the large number of candidate genes within the QTL intervals by identifying those genes which are located within the candidate gene intervals and which are differentially expressed in the colon of IBD-susceptible and -resistant strains. Using this combination of QTL mapping and microarray analysis, we identified 16 genes which were differentially expressed between B6- and C3-Il10-/- mice and were located within the candidate gene intervals. Three of these genes (Pla2g2a, Gbp1, Cd14) showed prominent differences in expression levels between B6- and C3-Il10-/- as well as between B6 and C3 wildtype mice and were considered to be major candidate genes. Pla2g2a and Gbp1 are known to be polymorphic between C3 and B6 mice. Expression data for Cd14 were confirmed by real-time RT PCR using specified pathogen free and germfree Il10-/- mice. In conclusion, the large number of candidate genes was reduced to three major candidates by using a combination of QTL mapping and microarray analysis. All three genes play an important role in inflammatory processes and immune response.
Cd14, Gbp1, and Pla2g2a: three major candidate genes for experimental IBD identified by combining QTL and microarray analyses.
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View SamplesComparison of gene expression profiles from C. elegans wildtype strain (N2) treated with L4440 and T25B9.1 RNAi for 5 days after L4 larvae stage. Jena Centre for Systems Biology of Ageing - JenAge (ww.jenage.de) Overall design: 6 samples in 2 groups: N2, L4440 5 days (3 Samples); N2, T25B9.1 5 days (3 Samples)
Impairing L-Threonine Catabolism Promotes Healthspan through Methylglyoxal-Mediated Proteohormesis.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesWe used microarrays to detail the global program of gene expression in cytokine stimulated effector CD8 T cells.
Costimulation Endows Immunotherapeutic CD8 T Cells with IL-36 Responsiveness during Aerobic Glycolysis.
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View SamplesMyeloid Angiogenic Cells (MACs) were infected with the intracellular, bacterial pathogen Bartonella henselae (B.h.). Infected cells were seeded onto Matrigel coated plates. While uninfected cells showed no phenotypic changes and died over time, infected cells showed strong phenotypic changes and developed into complex 2D chord networks over the course of long term culture (eg 49d). To examine the changes in gene expression associated with the development of the B.h.dependent chord formation phenotype, RNA was isolated from MACs shortly after isolation (d4) and from cells of the chord structures (+B.h. Matrigel). As primary endothelial cells are also know to form chord networks when cultured on Matrigel, a sample of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured on Matrigel for 12hr was also included in the analysis as a control.
Reprogramming of myeloid angiogenic cells by Bartonella henselae leads to microenvironmental regulation of pathological angiogenesis.
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