Ngn3 is a master regulator of pancreatic endocrine development. It is necessary for the creation of all endocrine cells in mice. Little is known about the genes that act downstream of the transcription factor Ngn3 in pancreas endocrine development to specify each of the endocrine lineages. As a consequence, little is known about the genes involved in early development and the specification of the beta cell. We used microarrays to identify Ngn3 downstream genes that are involved in early and ectopic beta cell development in Xenopus laevis. We overexpressed Ngn3 in the Xenopus early endoderm and analyzed the genes that are upregulated four hours after.
Transient expression of Ngn3 in Xenopus endoderm promotes early and ectopic development of pancreatic beta and delta cells.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesThe Ptf1a gene has essential functions during several stages of pancreas development. It is expressed in the nave endoderm and required pancreas cell fate specification; it is also required later in the differentiation and maintenance of acinar cells. To identify the regulatory genetic program downstream of Ptf1a required for early pancreatic fate acquisition, we used microarrays to perform a comprehensive gene expression analysis of Ptf1a overexpressing endodermal tissue at NF32 and NF36.
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Specimen part
View SamplesUrechis unicinctus, a benthic marine worm inhabiting widely in the coast of Russia, Japan, Korean Peninsula and China, present special biological characteristics in morphology, reproductive and developmental biology as well as physiology. It could exist in condition of low oxygen, high sulfide and pollution where most animals could not live. However, the molecular mechanisms of resistance are still unknown and the main obstacle to further study is the limited genomic and genetic information. In order to improve the situation, we performed and acquired its transcriptome database.
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View SamplesUrechis unicinctus, a benthic marine worm inhabiting widely in the coast of Russia, Japan, Korean Peninsula and China, presents special biological characteristics in morphology, reproductive and developmental biology as well as physiology. It could exist in condition of low oxygen, high sulfide and pollution where most animals could not live.However, the molecular mechanisms of resistance are still unknown and the main obstacle to further study is the limited genomic and genetic information.
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View SamplesThe transcriptome of zebrafish mutant and wt embryos.
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThis study was designed to understand the mechanism by which floral organ abscission mutants'' phenotypes arise.
No associated publication
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesNo description.
No associated publication
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesMTCH2-mediated mitochondrial fusion drives exit from naive pluripotency in embryonic stem cells
No associated publication
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesNeuro-2a cells were infected with ZIKV (MOI = 0.5) for 48 h and total RNA was extracted and purified using TRI Reagent and RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen). RNA-seq was performed at the Molecular and Genomics Core Facility of the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Differential expression analysis between mock and ZIKV infected cells was done using Tophat and cuffdiff programs from the tuxedo suite.
No associated publication
Sex, Specimen part, Disease, Cell line
View SamplesP19 differentiating cells were spread a two densities and mRNA from the two densities were compared
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Cell line
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