In order to determine the effect of ArhGAP30 on the gene expression profile of colorectal cancer cells, Lovo cells were infected with either ArhGAP30 or the control pcDNA3.1 empty vector.
ArhGAP30 promotes p53 acetylation and function in colorectal cancer.
Cell line
View SamplesWe identified DCIR2+DCs but not DEC205+DCs as able to induce peripheral T cell tolerance in pre-diabetic autoimmune NOD mice. To determine what distinct genetic programs are elicited in the auto-reactive CD4 T cells early after stimulation by these two DC subsets, we utilized adoptive transfer of BDC2.5 CD4 T cells into NOD mice, which were then given chimeric antibody to deliver the beta-cell specific antigen to either DCIR2+DCs or DEC205+DCs, leading to BDC2.5 CD4 T cell specific stimulation in vivo. The analysis shows that the negative transcriptional factor Zbtb32 (ROG) is up-regulated more in BDC2.5 CD4 T cells after stimulated with a antigen via DCIR2+DCs presentation, compared with DEC205+DCs, suggesting the involvement of Zbtb32 in DCIR2+DCs-mediated auto-reactive T cell tolerance in disease ongoing NOD mice.
DCIR2+ cDC2 DCs and Zbtb32 Restore CD4+ T-Cell Tolerance and Inhibit Diabetes.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesRorb is essential for rod photoreceptor development in the mouse retina. Using Affymetrix mouse GeneChips, we have generated expression profiles of the +/+, Rorb-/- , +/+;CrxpNrl and Rorb-/-;CrxpNrl retina at P14 and P28.
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Specimen part
View SamplesTranscriptome analysis of total RNA samples from HEK293-PIGS-KO and HEK293-PIGS-UBE2J1-DKO cells. To check whether KO of UBE2J1 upregulates genes of GPI biosthesis pathway, we used microarrays to analyze gene expression change by KO of UBE2J1 and comfirmed that known GPI pathway genes are not changed by ERAD-deficiency.
Cross-talks of glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis with glycosphingolipid biosynthesis and ER-associated degradation.
Cell line
View SamplesWe identified an endothelial progenitor/stem like population in the endothelial fraction of preexsiting blood vessels.
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Age, Specimen part
View SamplesRotavirus infection is the single most important cause of severe diarrhea in young children worldwide. We used Affymetrix Human U95Av2 high density oligonucleotide arrays to compare gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 10 children with acute rotavirus diarrhea and 8 age-matched healthy children. We also examined patterns of gene expression in 5 convalescent-phase PBMC samples from rotavirus patients. For data analysis, we imported .cel files generated by Affymetrix MAS5.0 into Genetraffic 3.1 software (Iobion) and performed robust multi-chip analysis. We considered a gene in patients differentially expressed if its level of expression was at least 1.5-fold higher or lower than the baseline (arithmetic mean) of the corresponding gene in 8 controls and if its pattern of elevated or repressed expression was observed in at least 7 of the 10 patients. Using these criteria, we identified ~1% up- and ~2% down-regulated genes in acute-phase PBMC of patients. Up-regulated genes included those involved in the differentiation, maturation, activation, and survival of B cells, as well as an array of genes with function in inflammatory and antiviral activities. We observed a pattern of repressed expression of a number of genes involved in the various stages of T-cell development and activation. On the basis of these results, we conclude that rotavirus infection induces robust inflammatory response and B-cell activation but represses T-cell response.
Rotavirus infection alters peripheral T-cell homeostasis in children with acute diarrhea.
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View SamplesGene expression analysis in cattle embryos derived from mtDNA depleted cells in the presence and absence of Trichostatin A
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Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesChemoresistance in breast cancer has been a great interest in past studies, however, the development of rational therapeutic strategies targeting chemoresistant cells is still a challenge for clinical oncology.The resistant property of MCF7/ADR cells was confirmed by long term culture with Dox, cell viability, and PARP cleavage assays.
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Disease, Disease stage, Cell line
View SamplesTo investigate the altered genes by RacGAP1 silencing
Overexpression of Rac GTPase Activating Protein 1 Contributes to Proliferation of Cancer Cells by Reducing Hippo Signaling to Promote Cytokinesis.
Cell line
View SamplesThe study is to explore differentially expressed genes in SW-1990 cells infected with sh-Ctrl or sh-PRLR.
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Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
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