We determined gene expression profiles which were induced in the chick chorio-allantoic membrane 24 h after application of recombinant human VEGF.
Impaired angiogenesis and tumor development by inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5.
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View SamplesHuman pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells were grafted on the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Human and chicken GeneChips were used simultaneously to study gene regulation during PDAC cell invasion.
Netrin-1 mediates early events in pancreatic adenocarcinoma progression, acting on tumor and endothelial cells.
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View SamplesEORTC 10994 is a phase III clinical trial comparing FEC with ET in patients with large operable, locally advanced or inflammatory breast cancer (www.eortc.be). Frozen biopsies were taken at randomisation. RNA was extracted from 100um thickness of 14G core needle biopsies. Adjacent sections were tested by H&E to confirm >20% tumour cell content. 100 ng total RNA per chip were amplified using the Affymetrix small sample protocol (IVT then Enzo). 49 tumours were tested on Affymetrix U133A chips. The CEL files were quantile normalised together using rma. Clinical response data are not available yet.
Identification of molecular apocrine breast tumours by microarray analysis.
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View SamplesThis study was performed to check that ESR1 and BMI1 are biologically active after lentiviral transduction of primary human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) with lentiviral vectors expressing ESR1 and BMI1 from the human PGK promoter. ESR1 targets like PGR, PRLR and GREB1, but not TFF1 and XBP1, were induced by estradiol in the ESR1-expressing cells. BMI1 targets like BMI1, NEFL and CCND2 were repressed in the BMI1-expressing cells. BMI1 suppressed genes associated with squamous and neural differentiation in the ESR1 plus BMI1-expressing cells.
An oestrogen-dependent model of breast cancer created by transformation of normal human mammary epithelial cells.
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View SamplesIn the present study, Sn expressed on primary pig macrophages was crosslinked with the anti-Sn monoclonal antibody 41D3 and the mRNA expression profiles were compared, using the Affymetrix microarray technology, to macrophages incubated with the irrelevant, isotype matched, monoclonal antibody 13D12
The transcriptome of porcine alveolar macrophages (PAM) after antibody-mediated crosslinking of sialoadhesin (Sn, Siglec-1)
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Cell-Cycle-Dependent Reconfiguration of the DNA Methylome during Terminal Differentiation of Human B Cells into Plasma Cells.
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View SamplesMolecular mechanisms underlying terminal differentiation of B-cells into plasma cells are major determinants of adaptive immunity but remain only partially understood. Here, we present the transcriptional and epigenomic landscapes of cell subsets arising from activation of human naive B-cells and differentiation into plasmablasts. Cell proliferation of activated B cells was linked to a slight decrease in DNA methylation levels but followed by a committal step in which an S-phase-synchronized differentiation switch was associated with an extensive DNA demethylation and local acquisition of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at enhancers and genes related to plasma cell identity.
Cell-Cycle-Dependent Reconfiguration of the DNA Methylome during Terminal Differentiation of Human B Cells into Plasma Cells.
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View SamplesBased on the developmental origin of health of disease hypothesis, we previously showed that prenatal 70% maternal food restriction (FR30) predisposes the offspring to development of pathologies in adulthood. In the present study, we focused on the liver gene expression profile of standard and high fat (HF)-fed FR30 adult offspring.
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The epigenetic processes of meiosis in male mice are broadly affected by the widely used herbicide atrazine.
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View SamplesIn the present study, the autologous cell based therapy for the compromised liver disease due to hepatitis B infection has been investigated. To perform this research, the HBsAg positive and nucleic acid test (NAT) positive blood samples along with healthy blood samples were utilized to generate hepatocyte-like cells (NeoHeps) from monocytes. The monocytes were sorted by MACS technology from the PBMCs so that the abundant non-monocyte cells were depleted.The isolated monocytes were cultured in two steps for 21 days. In the first step monocytes were incubated with serum supplemented IMDM medium containing cytokines like IL-3, MCSF and 2-ME for a period of six days for priming to induce plasticity in them. After six day in culture, the primed monocytes were termed as reprogrammed monocytes (RM). The reprogrammed monocytes were then differentiated for 15 days in serum supplemented IMDM medium containing mitogenic reagents like EGF, HGF and FGF-4 to generate NeoHeps.The RNA sequencing (RNASeq) of the Monocytes, RM and NeoHeps generated from both healthy and HBsAg positive blood samples were performed to analyse the kinetics of this differentiation process at the transcript level.
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